onsdag den 7. marts 2012



Monika, Nicolaj, Lea and Ida.
We come from Denmark and live in the Northwestern part of Jylland. We are all about 18-19 years old.

The school
We go on a Gymnasia called Morsø Gymnasium. It is a relatively small gymnasium, where all have seen each other before. We are in the middle of our 2. year and we have probably some exams to do at summer. We meet a school everyday at 8 o'clock and finish the day at 3.
In our school we have four different lines in which we have chosen the subjects we like the most.
We have scientific line, social studies, international and music and theatre. We goes on the international.

We have a school council, which act as a mouthpiece fore us to the administration.
We also have a charity organization called Håbb which collects money to help children in Bukuba. They throw a party one time a year where all kinds of bands plays for free.
We also have a party organization which throw all the gymnasia parties. We have these kind of parties 5 times a year. Sometimes we have a famous band playing. 

Monika, Ida, Lea og Nicolaj

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